Mittwoch, 30. März 2011

IAMSHAMAN.COM Salvia, Kratom, Dream Herbs! BUY HERE NOW!

I aman official promoter for ..Please choose the link to go directly to the website! Makesure you visit this page every time you want to buy from Iamshaman! :)


Kratom  kratomtv picture photo bild
Bild von thekratom


Another original live.

mitragyna inermis

mitragyna  mitragyna inermis picture photo bild

Bild von Tcaspice

Dienstag, 29. März 2011

10 best legal highs -BUY KRATOM-

Buy Kratom here:

Los Cuadernos de Esopo: 1.El camino hacia ti / Ir alli

Kratom  Los Cuadernos de Esopo 1El camino hacia ti Ir alli picture photo bild

Debía de estar haciéndome mayor, ya que la idea de saber que iba a suceder aquella unión con Magy no despertaba en mi ningún sentimiento apasionado. El plan era sencillo -¿Que es lo mas viejo del mundo? la unión sexual entre 2 personas me respondía mentalmente. El sexo y la magia no podían fallar y formarían un poderoso muro que nos serviría de protección.
Piensalo; es sencillo, el mundo lleva milenios perpetuándose, y sus gentes con el. Piensa en el flujo de almas que se han apagado a lo largo de los tiempos, y las que han sido encendidas.
Ahora concretemos un poco, mira, es Ninive, cientos de almas rezan a Astarte y ofrecen una suerte de frutos rojos en unos canastos de mimbre. Parecen apetitosos. Ahora extiende la mano y agarra uno, muy bien, es un fruto ovalado y rojizo, tiene el tacto del caqui y un sabor que se asemeja a una mezcla entre un tomate y una frambuesa. Tras el primer mordisco notas como el jugo se derrama por las comisuras de los labios.
Pero no nos detengamos aquí, pues el viaje es largo, y el objetivo aun esta a cientos de millas. Pasan siglos en un momento y nos detenemos fugazmente en Delfos, 3000 años después, a las puertas del templo. Allí se encuentra una esfinge de Naxios. Un suave movimiento de su cabeza nos invitaba a justificar nuestra presencia allí.

- ¡Habla o muere! ¿Que motivos traéis para visitar el oráculo?- Nos pregunto una voz que sonaba como si mil cristales se rompiesen en el aire.
- Llevo un narciso en la mano y un amor en mi corazón. Hemos comido del fruto del conocimiento eterno y queremos ver al oráculo para preguntar por alguien que esta por llegar cuyo nombre sera Esopo.
- Has dicho la verdad, mas podéis entrar, el narciso entregaras, pero el amor te sera arrebatado.

Y caminamos por oscuros y estrechos pasillos en los que la débil luz de las antorchas jugaba con las estatuas de las musas, haciendo que estas pareciesen tener una cierta movilidad que engañaba al ojo durante segundos. Nos detuvimos en la estatua de Melpómene, le ofrecí el narciso y continuamos corredor abajo.
Pronto vimos una claridad y llegamos a una carpa con un lago subterráneo. Mientras oteaba e intentaba vislumbrar el techo sin conseguirlo, Magy se acerco a la orilla y vio su reflejo en el agua...

- ¡Magy! ¡Despierta! ¡vamos, despierta!- le decía mientras una magy desnuda se incorporaba de la alfombra del salón.
- ¡Dame unos minutos, quieres!- dijo mientras se recogía el pelo -¿Puedes acercarme un batin? gracias.

Y sentándose de nuevo en el butacon, traje el kratom que llevaba hirviendo en la cocina un buen rato. Bebimos las infusiones y Magy cogió la suerte de cartas que habíamos fabricado antes, y comenzó a echarlas.

- 4 cartas serán suficientes, no quiero que esto se me desmadre- dijo Magy en tono jocoso.- Me parece perfecto- respondí. Y apurando los últimos tragos de nuestras infusiones las cuatro cartas vieron la luz.

- Ardilla, Zorro, Jabalí y Serpiente.
Bild von Poi_FLN

Another Look at my plants starring Kratom and DMT

That's how they currently look like. Hope you like them :-)

Free Kratom (April) Our April draw of Marches buyers is complete, congratulations to all the winners.I hope you enjoi your free kratom this month. to everyone else, dont forget to shop for kratom for your automatic chance to win.

DodecahedronBoi - Send Your Demos Elsewhere

Directed by Ivan Landau
Music written and produced by Jack Mc Manus
Words and vocals by TimFrommeyer
Woman in video is Sivitri Delphia
Projection created by Andrew Jones

Why wordsimpress I can't suppress
confess this during that convention
conversations makes ideas melt intonew inventions.
innovative impregnated surface kratom
great tim now get back towork
konzentrate your mind on something other than procrastination
of this nation
hesitationheld the kid thin, did he ever feel like he was slippin
hell yeah
get him ready for a dicking
fromthe rabi the pope and muhachicken
all together
buddah watching, gettin no erection cause he neitherfeels warm nor cold
no effect no affection
introspecting around
others infecting the crowd withsum bullshit
hes just fine chillin and grillin and
grinning and winning
no whining while surfing thevibe
and did he ever, did he ever or
what what stop stop
checkout the knockout while you getchecked out by a knocker
knock the locker to checkout all of the products you bought
bo bo boboooojaaa chakademus
send your demos elsewhere. we dont like them.
fight dem fights at day ratherthan at night
alright, just stop your hidin.
send your demos elsewhere cause we dont like them.

Montag, 28. März 2011

KRATOM DEPENDENCY - An expert in helping people detox from Kratom

www.NewBeginningsDetox.Com 877DETOX88

Dennis Hansen discusses becoming dependant on Kratom andmore mportantly, how to come off it. This powerful herb is sold in Kava bars and over the internetand people are gfetting hooked on it in just a few days. New Beginnings Recovery Center in PalmBeach County has cutting edge protocols to help you walk away. Call 561-790-4177 or 877DETOX88

Viimp (Malayalam: ??????)

mitragyna  Viimp Malayalam വീമ്പ് picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: ধারাকদম্ব dharakadam, গুলিকদম্ব gulikadam • Gujarati: કલમ kalam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

Ambusaramu (Telugu: ?????????)

mitragyna  Ambusaramu Telugu అంబుసారము picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: ধারাকদম্ব dharakadam, গুলিকদম্ব gulikadam • Gujarati: કલમ kalam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Mitragyna parviflora ??? Rubiaceae 2010_0425_Kulgi_0084 c

Legal Highs Review #1 - SOMA CONE

The Soma Cone contains Damiana, Kratom Gold Leaf, Amanita Muscara, Wild Dagga and Opium aroma.

MoJo Kratom

Mojo Kratom
Potency (30X)
Kratom explained:
Medicinal leaf from southeast Asia
Treats Pain
Prolongssexual intercourse
Creates both a numbing and stimulating sensation
Effects can last 1-4 hours.
Thisis MoJo Kratom. It cannot be compared to any other Kratom. 80% of the Kratom on the market is weak,cheap and has very little effect. Our % markup is small even when compared to less expensive Kratom.That's because QUALITY Kratom cost $$$! We price it right so you can continue to keep buying. MostKratom users use it on a steady basis therefore we understand your needs and want a steady customeras well.
MoJo Kratom is the absolute finest!
Do not be fooled by other imitations using the "MoJo"name.
There is only one MoJo Kratom!
Our Kratom is made in Louisiana Cajun country! It is the worldsabsolute finest.


Kratom  Dried picture photo bild

Dried Kratom Leaves
Bild von wakwalet

Samstag, 26. März 2011

Kratom standardized extract 15X

Kratom is indigenous to therain forests of South East Asia, mainly Thailand and Malaysia. It is a large tree that can be astall as 15 meters. Over 25 alkaloids have been isolated from kratom, the most important beingmitragynine. In addition to being used as a narcotic drug in its own right, it is often used as asubstitute for opium when opium is unavailable, or to moderate opium addiction. As mitragyninesuppresses opiate withdrawal, kratom is said to be a (temporary) cure for opium addiction. A smallminority of users use kratom to prolong sexual intercourse.

Over recent years, kratom has becomevery popular and is available all over the internet. However, the quality of the different productssold as extracts varies a lot. This product puts an end to the confusion, because it is the firststandardized extract and its quality is guaranteed. It is superior to any other kratom product, easyto ingest because it is a very fine powder and active from around 1 gram


Effects come on within five to ten minutes after use, and last for 4 to 6 hours.Kratom has both stimulating and relaxing qualities as if chewing coca leaves and smoking opiumsimultaneously. Some sources say that it is a stimulant in lower doses, becoming sedative in higherdoses. The dominant effects seem to be similar to opiate drugs, including analgesia, roughlycomparable in strength to codeine. Unlike opiates, mitragynine does not appear to cause nausea orvomiting. The feeling has been described as happy, strong, and active, with a strong desire to dowork. Other effects of mitragynine are local anesthesia and central nervous system depression. Heavyuse can result in a prolonged sleep.

Kratom Standardized extract is active from under 1 gramand can be mixed with any liquid (hot water, or a milk shake, for example). Use 0.5 grams for a mildeffect, and up to 1.5 gram for strong effects.

Usage of kratom in high dosages may bemildly addictive. Acute side effects include dry mouth, loss of appetite and constipation. Sideeffects from long term use include anorexia and weight loss, insomnia, and a darkening of the skin,particularly on the cheeks.

Kalam (Gujarati: ???)

mitragyna  Kalam Gujarati કલમ picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: ধারাকদম্ব dharakadam, গুলিকদম্ব gulikadam • Gujarati: કલમ kalam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

proccecing after 4 hours in the room

Kratom  proccecing after 4 hours in the room picture photo bild

Bild von riaudragon

Spice Herbal Incense Kratom K2 Legal Highs Shanti Serenity Now best site to buy from cheap and located in the us


Kratom  kratom mitragyna spesiosa 5 gr1 picture photo bild

Bild von deheksenketel

Kratom 15x extract

mitragyna speciosa  Kratom 15x extract picture photo bild

Mitragyna Speciosa
Bild von alienSeed

Freitag, 25. März 2011

Kratom fat leaf

Kratom  Kratom fat leaf picture photo bild

A fat Mitragyna speciosa leaf.
Bild von

3v3 vs II MaSsaCreR II BLiNg KiNg x187x and qll KraToM llp

we went hard

~FAIR USE~ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976,allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise beinfringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use


Kratom  Kratom picture photo bild

Bild von garrettgjohnson

Donnerstag, 24. März 2011


Kratom  bikhuk borneo kratom recepi 18 picture photo bild

Bild von Bikhuk

Niirkkatamp (Malayalam: ?????????????)

mitragyna  Niirkkatamp Malayalam നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: gulikadam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: katampai, நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu, sinnakkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

Kratom  kratomtv picture photo bild
Bild von thekratom

Kratom 5x

Kratom  Kratom 5x picture photo bild

Bild von azariusshop

Kratom  kratomtv picture photo bild
Bild von thekratom

Mittwoch, 23. März 2011

Kratom - Kratom kaufen - Kratom Shops Wir präsentieren unser Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa).

Kratom Rifat 2

Kratom  Kratom Rifat 2 picture photo bild

Above shot
Bild von adaptagen

redvein tree

Kratom  redvein tree picture photo bild

Bild von riaudragon

My growing plants

These are my growing plants, including Phalaris brachystachys, Phalaris Big Medicine and Yugostrain, poppies, Kratom "Rifat Strain", Acacia obtusifolia and maidenii. Hope you like them.

Dienstag, 22. März 2011

proccessing outdoor redvein

Kratom  proccessing outdoor redvein picture photo bild

Bild von riaudragon

Kratom Tree

Kratom  Kratom Tree picture photo bild

Kratom Tree
Bild von wakwalet

kratom extract

Mrmalo- A convenient shop for all your herbal needs including Kratom- Kratom Products, KratomExtract, kratom seeds, Kratom Effects, super green Malaysian kratom and much more.:

redvein tree too

Kratom  redvein tree too picture photo bild

Bild von riaudragon

My Bumblebee Kratom Plant

I bought this plant when it was very small and its finally taking off. Nice plant I would recommendthe website but I can't remember where I bought it.

Sonntag, 20. März 2011

Niculam (Tamil: ???????)

mitragyna  Niculam Tamil நிசுளம் picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: ধারাকদম্ব dharakadam, গুলিকদম্ব gulikadam • Gujarati: કલમ kalam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

Il Passeggero (prima parte)

Un individuo non inserito nella società che decide di compiere un'azione drastica.

Observer All Stars_One Train load of Dub
Takehisa Kosugi_ Catch Wave 01
Fred Buscaglione_WhiskyFacile
Om_ Pilgrimage
Sativa dub station_ Kratom Dub
Franco Zurzolo_La cravatta

Tutti i diritti diqueste traccie audio sono senza alcun scopo di lucro da parte di questo video.

Il Passeggero (seconda parte)

Un individuo non inserito nella società che decide di compiere un'azione drastica.

Observer All Stars_One Train load of Dub
Takehisa Kosugi_ Catch Wave 01
Fred Buscaglione_WhiskyFacile
Om_ Pilgrimage
Sativa dub station_ Kratom Dub
Franco Zurzolo_La cravatta

Tutti i diritti diqueste traccie audio sono senza alcun scopo di lucro da parte di questo video.

Orange juice and kratom!

Mixing orange juice and kratom makes kratom a lot nicer than mixing with water (horrible) or beer(even worse). It actually tastes good, takes about two minutes, can be easily bottled forconsumption on-the-go, and is a great way to start (or end) your day.

[MV] Aon Sarawat - Hua Jai Mai Koey Pae

Aon Sarawat - Hua Jai Mai Koey Pae (Kratom Saeng Ngern OST)

*Credits: TEARDROP @

Puuccakkatamp (Malayalam: ?????????????)

mitragyna  Puuccakkatamp Malayalam പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: ধারাকদম্ব dharakadam, গুলিকদম্ব gulikadam • Gujarati: કલમ kalam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

Freitag, 18. März 2011

Vicozen review

A review of vicozen kratom product


Kratom  Mitragyna speciosa KRATOM ethnoplants picture photo bild

Bild von etnobotanicas's kratom review

Review of's kratom. I've tried their red vein; white vein; crushed leaves, and it's allgood! Consistently great value (wholesale prices basically) and fresh quality.

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011

Whats in my bag?

Kratom  Whats in my bag picture photo bild

Minus my Nikon and Macbook
Bild von congratulationscoconut


Kratom  mitra specio rifat02 picture photo bild

Bild von etnobotanicas

Ajaghnamu (Telugu: ???????)

mitragyna  Ajaghnamu Telugu అజఘ్నము picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: ধারাকদম্ব dharakadam, গুলিকদম্ব gulikadam • Gujarati: કલમ kalam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

Free kratom Contest and channel update and 8 oz maeng da kratom free !!!!!!

contest update , prizes now include 2 comtech stingers , 100 g kratom resin n 8 oz maeng da kratom (leaf or powder , your choice )

Tadhidruma (Telugu: ????????)

mitragyna  Tadhidruma Telugu తధిద్రుమ picture photo bild

Rubiaceae (bedstraw, coffee, or madder family) » Mitragyna parvifolia

my-tra-GY-na -- from the Greek mitra (a turban or headdress) and gyne (ovary)
par-vee-FOH-lee-uh -- meaning, small leaves

commonly known as: kaim, water kadamba • Bengali: ধারাকদম্ব dharakadam, গুলিকদম্ব gulikadam • Gujarati: કલમ kalam • Hindi: गुरी guri, कैम kaim • Kannada: ನೀರ ಕದಮ್ಬ nira kadamba, ಸಣ್ಣ ಕದಮ್ಬ sanna kadamba • Malayalam: കതമമരം kathamamaram, നീര്‍ക്കടമ്പ് niirkkatamp, പൂച്ചക്കടമ്പ് puuccakkatamp, റോസ് കടമ്പ് roos katamp, വീമ്പ് viimp • Marathi: कळम kalam • Sanskrit: वितानः vitanah • Tamil: நிசுளம் niculam, நீர்க்கடம்பு nirkkatampu • Telugu: అజఘ్నము ajaghnamu, అంబుసారము ambusaramu, జలతుంబురు jalatumburu, నిరుకడము nirkadambu, ఋష్య rsya, తధిద్రుమ tadhidruma

Native to: India

References: Flowers of IndiaAyurvedic Medicinal PlantsENVIS - FRLHT
Bild von dinesh_valke

Ayahuasca Cielo Banisteriopsis caapi Yellow Strain

This is a Video Update of one of the Three Strains I bought From Docgreen44 On Ebay. He is a reallycool guy that is easy to work with if your looking for rare plants.

If your looking for cuttingsof Salvia Divinorum, Kratom or other plants join

Make yourpost with the topic of what your looking for. We allow plant and seed trades on this forum.
HelpKeep these medicinal plants alive and pass them around as far as youcan.

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

My Newest Kratom Cutting

Wanna Kratom Tree Of Your Own? Click LinkBelow


make Betel nut gum(Thailand), betel better marijuana(marihuana), kratom?

my blog - When I lived in the country nearby Chumphon(Thailandprovince) observed as every day people do a chewing gum from Betel nut, basically elderly women, menchewed Kratom, and I smoked marihuana(marijuana)

BHB Glass Pipes, FREE with retail order of $49.99!

Beautiful 3 inch Pyrex Glass pipes available FREE for a limited time, with any purchase of $49.99 ormore! Stock up on Salvia, Kratom and more exotic herbs at

Kratom Resin Bali

Kratom  Kratom Resin Bali picture photo bild

Bild von azariusshop

Montag, 14. März 2011

Kratom cutting

Kratom  Kratom cutting picture photo bild

Here is one of my kratom cuttings that is now several weeks old. Notice how healthy! Check out my blog on my kratom plants at
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Mitragyna parviflora flaking bark ??? Rubiaceae2010_0427_Anshi_0001

Kratom Bumblebee

Kratom  Kratom Bumblebee picture photo bild

Bild von adaptagen

Repaze Black

Kratom  Repaze Black picture photo bild

noir c noir
Salvia Divinorum
les chats
Bild von repazeblack

Smoke Tricks 3 - Revenge Of The Rips

couldnt sleep and got bored one night so decided to make this video. i used "juicy jay" watermelonflavoured rips. very tasty. the joint had Kratom in it. which is a very chilling drug. this ones alittle longer due to request. Peace out and Happy 4 : 20 (it was recored at 4 20 in the morning xD